Monday, February 22, 2010

WOW That is all I can say...

I want to preface this by saying I don’t get much adult tv time. So watching the Winter Olympics is not my top priority. I had heard about the fuss it was making on the radio but I did not believe the hype until I watched their dance. I had to watch this twice. That is how unbelievable I found it. Yes, I am talking about this year’s ice dance competition. The theme of this year’s skating dance was to represent a country’s style weather it was your country or another. Russia decided to do an Australian Aboriginal dance. I had to look up what a traditional Aboriginal dace was, as the only one I have seen was on Crocodile Dundee. I could not believe how these two people could stereo type a culture like they did. They said they “researched” the dance before they put it together. Whoever did their research needs to be fired! They pretty much make a mockery of the Aborigine culture. I was completely floored. If you have not seen it watch it here.

LOL Boys!

I asked my 10 year old to watch his brother while I got into the shower.

My Addiction

Ok Seriously, I don’t think I have an addictive personality. I love to play on Facebook mainly because I am bored during the day and I don’t want to clean my house. However recently I was introduced to the wonders of e-bay selling. The first week I listed 4 items, I checked it once a day. Honestly, I could say I was happy when only one item sold. Of course, I would have been ecstatic if they had all sold, but, one was a good start. Then I started looking at what other people were selling. OMGoodness! People will buy anything! So that is when my addiction began. It has been 33 days and I have listed over 100 items. I have sold about half of them. That is not here or there. I check my ebay ever 30 minutes to see if someone has bid on an item. I have even gotten to the point where I check it in the middle if the night when I get up to check on my boys when they are sleeping. I have started going through my house looking for stuff I think people will buy. (Granted it is a great way to spring clean.) My husband has started leaving me notes saying “not for sale” on items.
So I am saying “Hello my name is Bobbie and I am addicted to E-bay….”
Just don’t stage an intervention until my items sell!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dreaded Weight Post

The first half of February have been filled with sick baby and momma, so not much has been going on to accomplish my goals for this month. So I have to make up for lost time in the exercise department. I think I started that off well yesterday. I walked a total of 5 miles, 2.5 downhill and well the other way was a steady incline to say the least. I was pushing the stroller too so I should get bonus points for that. I am going again on Friday of this week and starting next week this will become a 3 times a week walk. I hope it works my big butt! Yeah so far the elliptical has been collecting dust in the corner but I am dusting it off and getting on it today. As you can tell I am feeling a little better. My chest still hurts when I get going well but I will deal with it. Sooo what you have all been eagerly anticipating (lol there was no sarcasm there) I weighed myself yesterday an even 200lbs ewwwwwwwwww! When the he!! Did that happen????